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The JP Circuit Breaker Show

Most new cases in Singapore are seen in dormitories

EPiCify Jul 31

The COVID19 pandemic has caused serious threats to the physical health and lives around the world. While Hong Kong has been witnessing zero local transmission cases for two weeks and efforts pay off in countries like New Zealand and Vietnam, here in #Singapore, cases remain hundreds and Circuit Breaker period has been extended to 1 June. So here on EPiCify, we kick off our regular programming with the Circuit Breaker Show to give you a concise update on the COVID-19 situation. 

It has now been nearly four weeks since the circuit breaker policy were introduced. Most cases which amounts to more than 95% are from dormitory which were now under quarantine. Community cases amounts to only less than 2% of all cases reported every day and has maintained to be fewer than 20 every day for the past week. The government has contained the virus well within the dormitory clusters. 


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