The concept “Great Bay area” was introduced since 2015, but there weren’t any concrete and sufficient details on how the ...
Below is the script of the humorous speech for this episode of “JP’s Knee Slapper” Why not to be a ...
創科是世界各地推動經濟增長的主要動力,但香港的創科發展起步都較其他地方慢,例如鄰近國家新加坡更強調要發展為「智慧國家」,那麼香港的智慧城市發展又如何呢? 要對這個問題作一個公允評論,今集 政策一分鐘 就跟大家介紹2017年底發佈的《 香港智慧城市藍圖 》。 藍圖全文可到以下網址:
1 Minute Hong Kong Main News this Week 1. Hong Kong eases restrictions on social distancing measures 2. Government will distribute reusable masks to all Hong Kong citizens 3. Chaos at Legislative Council as lawmakers ...
2016年美國大選,共和黨總統參選人特朗普 取得足夠黨代表票之際,美國大專院校共和黨 全國委員會數碼總監彼得羅普洛斯對結果感到興奮,並認為特朗普勝出可以團結共和黨員;另外,有學者指,特朗普將會以更激進的言行吸納更多選民支持。
The concept “Great Bay area” was introduced since 2015, but there weren’t any concrete and sufficient details on how the plan would go over the past few years. Eventually on 18 February this year, Until ...